We are here to make sure there are no unwanted surprises
In the world of construction, knowing your numbers is key. Without a clear cost analysis, projects can get into trouble quickly.

#yourmaincontractorofchoice for
“We have a library of accurate build cost information, which enables us to provide excellent budget advice. With this we can safeguard the plans and finances of a project from day one.”

Matthew Abraham

How do we help?
Part of our job is to make sure your project is professionally prepped and planned. We look at all the financials to make sure everything is feasible before giving things the green light.
Accurate and trusted advice
Cost analysis and advice needs to come from a source of accurate information. We have a library of accurate build cost information. With this we can provide excellent budget advice and safeguard your plans and finances from day one.
Land procurement valuation & advice
We can provide complete report services on land opportunities, including procurement advice if relevant to the project. Our job is to steady the ship, from land purchase all the way through to completion.
Construction cost plans
Our team provide accurate budgets based on the description of a project. As an example, if you are looking to build ten, three bed dwellings on an open plot of land we can give accurate indications of costs.
Cash flow forecasting
With our experience in quantity surveying and understanding of valuations and costs, our team can provide accurate cash forecasts for your project. Traditionally this is offered when in construction, however we aim to capture all valuations from pre site purchases onwards.
Open cost information
When it comes to the cost information around your project, transparency is key to its success. As a business that supports all aspects of a project delivery, we will tell you straight. From shared drives to issuing tablets we ensure clients have access to all information required.
The reality of your viability study
Clearly defined goals, deliverables, real costs and timelines are vital when you start a construction project. Here’s how we get you started on the right foot.
Send us your info
Click the button below to start the viability study process.
Initial phone call
One of our team will reach out to find our more about your project.
FREE consultation
We discuss your broader project objectives and gather more detailed information.
Detailed report
You will receive a full viability report within two weeks.
Moving forward
We talk through the study and look at your possible next steps. Remember, we can help from concept to completion.
From concept to completion.
We’ve got you.
We use a five-tier process, which can be adapted to suit any construction requirements.
Not clear on the numbers?
Unsure how viable your project is commercially?
We can quickly clarify that for you.